Still Waters: Learn to Be Still Week 1

“Be still and know that I am God.” – Psalm 46:10

Life often feels like being caught in a riptide—a force pulling us in various directions, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and powerless. In the midst of these currents, God's wisdom reminds us to be still and recognize His presence. This week, we delve into the powerful truth encapsulated in Psalm 46:10 and explore how we can find stillness in the chaos of life.

Recognizing the Currents of Life
The first step in navigating the riptides of life is acknowledging their existence. Proverbs 16:9 tells us that while we may plan our course, it is the Lord who establishes our steps. Life's currents are unpredictable, but recognizing them allows us to approach challenges with wisdom and discernment.

Trusting God's Guidance in Planning
As we acknowledge the currents, we must also surrender our need for absolute control. Philippians 4:13 assures us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. This doesn't mean we control everything; instead, we trust God's guidance in our planning, knowing that He is ultimately in control.

A New Testament Perspective on Stillness
The New Testament reinforces the call to be still. In Philippians 4:6-7, we find a beautiful reminder not to be anxious but, through prayer and thanksgiving, to present our requests to God. It's an invitation to exchange anxiety for stillness through communion with our Creator.

Application in Daily Life
So, how do we practically apply stillness in our daily lives? Imagine a riptide pulling you in various directions. Instead of panicking or frantically swimming against the current, find a moment to be still. In that stillness, seek God's guidance, trusting that He is present even in the chaos.

Reflection and Prayer
As we embark on this series, take a moment to reflect on the currents in your life. What challenges are pulling you in different directions? In prayer, surrender your plans to God, acknowledging His sovereignty. Let the truth of Philippians 4:13 empower you to trust God's strength in every circumstance.

This week, let's commit to being still amidst life's riptides. Join us in the journey of recognizing, trusting, and finding practical ways to be still in the chaos. May this week's reflections and scriptures bring you peace in the midst of life's storms.

Stay tuned for Week 2 as we explore the theme of surrendering control and trusting in God's plan. Until then, may the peace of God be with you, keeping you still in His presence.